Small But Mighty Energy Saver
These small components help save water and energy without sacrificing comfort. Replace your aerator with a water-saving model to do your part in saving water for future generations.

Saving water means protecting the environment and climate
The growth of the world population is leading to an ever increasing demand for drinking water. At the same time, climate change is causing more frequent periods of drought in many places. As a result, drinking water is becoming increasingly scarce and valuable.
Before we can drink water, it has to be laboriously transported and cleaned. It is therefore important and sensible to save water.

This is exactly where water and energy saving products from come in: they ensure the flow of as much water as necessary yet as little as possible. This allows you to protect the environment without having to forgo the level of comfort you are accustomed to.
Residential Water: How much do we use?
There are more than 120 million homes in the United States and about 1.1 million new homes are constructed each year. The average American home uses more than 300 gallons of water per day and 70% of that water is used indoors. Faucets and showers each comprise approximately 20% of water use each year. Toilets account for almost one quarter of the average home’s indoor water use.
Installing high efficiency plumbing fixtures and appliances can help the typical family reduce indoor water use by one-third and provide a savings of over $200 annually on water and sewer bills.

Saving water and energy in the bathroom and in the kitchen
Every time you wash your hands or rinse vegetables you can save water! Simply replace the existing aerator on your bathroom or kitchen faucet with a model featuring the latest water-saving technology. Thanks to our PCA technology, aerators provide a constant water flow independent of the water pressure in your plumbing system.